School Rd,
Gawler SA 5118, Australia
08 8522 2988
South Australia Department of Education Government of South Australia

Medication - First Aid Policy & Procedures

The school will assist in the management of student’s medication in the following way:

  • Provide a secure area to store the medication in a locked cupboard
  • Supervise students taking medication
  • Record medication taken – name – date – time - dose

Parent/Caregivers will be required to meet the following conditions. If your child has to take any form of medication at school please note the following

  • If a student is taking any medication on a regular basis a “Medical Information Plan” and/or “Medication Plan”, “Asthma Care Plan”, form must be filled out by the doctor.
  • It is important that students do not have any type of medication in their school bag or on them whilst at school.
  • If your child has asthma the parent needs to supply and keep one inhaler and a spacer at school.
  • Department Regulation states only one week of medication is to be held at school
  • Medication must be stored in the original container with the label from the pharmacy, details must have name of student / identify medication / information on dosage /current date -

We must have all information mentioned above as this is a Department Regulation Policy without this information it will not be administered

The student will assist in the management of medication in the following way:

  • Reporting to the office area at the set time
  • Taking medication in a responsible manner

Gawler Primary School is committed to prompt and caring response to injuries and illnesses. The following procedures are designed to achieve this.

Procedures if any injury or illness occurs:

The Student is to go, or be taken to the Front Office

Staff on duty may request additional assistance from on duty office staff.

The situation will be assessed and the necessary action taken.

  • If mobile the patient will be taken to the front office and the necessary treatment given.
  • If the patient is unable to move/or moving is considered unwise, an ambulance will be called and a First Aid Officer will stay with the patient to comfort and reassure.

Contact Procedure

  • In all serious incidents, attempt to contact a parent/emergency contact person and inform them of the situation.
  • If the patient is in the Admin Office, continue attempting to contact a parent/emergency contact person to request collection of “patient”.
  • If patient is taken to hospital (with Student Information Sheet)

Issue: 2
Date: January 2020
Review: 2022