School Rd,
Gawler SA 5118, Australia
08 8522 2988
South Australia Department of Education Government of South Australia


Gawler Primary School receives annual funding from various sources to provide its services and support its curriculum. These sources include:

  • South Australian Government to cover Salaries, Utilities and Maintenance and as Grants.
  • Material and Services Fee (Parent Contribution):
    Gawler Primary School parents support the School by the payment each year of Materials and Services Fee set by the School Governing Council. Prompt payment of these fees ensures that students have access to all their curriculum needs.

Gawler Primary School can accept payment via:

1.    Cash

2.    EFT Bank Transfer BSB 065502 ACC 10495781

3.    Credit Card (Visa & Mastercard)

4.    Qkr App - see link for installation instructions 

Qkr App

The Qkr App is our preferred way to pay. With the Qkr app you are able to pay for school fees, order school uniform, place lunch orders on special food days, pay for camps and excursions. We use the app to pre pay many fundraising events. 

School uniforms ordered via the app before 12pm will be sent home with the child that day.

Payment Difficulties

Any parent who is having difficulty making payment prior to the due date, may be eligible for the School Card Scheme or an Instalment Plan to help in meeting this commitment. Please contact our Finance Officer for assistance in this matter.

School Card Scheme

Subject to certain criteria, School Card provides financial assistance for dependent students from four years of age who attend a School full-time. The scheme is administered by the Department for Education to assist with educational expenses.

Applications must be submitted via the website each year.


It is a requirement that the cardholder's Centrelink Customer Reference Number is included on the application and declaration forms. This number is printed on the primary Health Care or Pensioner Concession Card.

Your approval is provided to the school automatically.

Please contact our Finance Officer for more information available Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9am - 3.30pm